ECHOGRAPH 1095 – Weld Inspection

New Video online: ECHOGRAPH 1095 – Setting up for Weld Inspection!Check out the new video on our “NDT Channel”:

ECOMAG S.r.l – Troviamo la soluzione migliore per te…

Selezione metalli per durezza, forma, materiale oppure rivestimento e così via.Apparecchiatura Eddy Current ELOTEST IS3 a singolo canale ed una frequenza, una soluzione semplice ed economica integrabile facilmente anche in […]


Strumento universale a Correnti Indotte ad alta risoluzione, progettato per i controlli in linea, estremamente veloce, versatile e sensibile. Adatto a tutti i tipi di controlli eddy current: rilievo difettologico, […]

RMG 4015

crack depth gauge: it is an easy-to-use equipment and allows to measure the depth (extension) of surface cracks in metal components. This model is useful in evaluating the extension, orientation […]

Systems for manual or automatic penetrants testing

Our own engineering division provides customized construction, with reduced production time and cost-efficient solutions.Select an experimental system or a production system for sampling or small series testing: Here as well […]

KARL DEUTSCH UV LED large area lamp – 3846 Series

The KARL DEUTSCH’s multifunctional UV-LED large-area lamp is particularly suitable for inspections with penetrating and magnetic fluorescent products and is also suitable for aerospace applications. Several lamps can be connected […]

1951 – First ECHOGRAPH-Order

During a Presentation of the Instrument at a Hammer Forge, a large Crankshaft was under inspection. Karl Deutsch detected an inside Flaw. The Production-Manager did not believe the Test Result […]